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The Right Questions Can Keep You and Your AC Out of Trouble!

Looking for a new HVAC specialist? Do you just need some help getting exactly what you need from your current contractor? It's easy to feel clueless about your home's heating and cooling system and while HVAC professionals have the answers you need, they can't read your mind about questions and concerns you may have. Whether you're looking to learn more about your current tech or someone new, here are some questions that you should always ask your air conditioning contractor:

QuestionsAre you licensed? Not every municipality requires HVAC specialists to be licensed. Not that a certificate is a sure-fire way to gauge the reliability of a cooling technician, but it can be a good place to start.

How long have you been in the business? Building on a technician's certifications, assessing any contractor's industry time is a good idea before going into business with them, but in the HVAC world, tenure can speak volumes about the kind of work the technician can be prepared to handle. While the general functionalities of all HVAC systems are roughly the same, every unit is installed differently and every home has its own challenges with insulation and cooling – the more systems a contractor has seen, the more challenges they've faced. Always look for a specialist who has really seen it all!

What quality assurance do you have on your work? Different contracting companies carry different policies on their work – be sure to check with your contractor about quality assurance. It's nice to know what kind of aftercare you can expect from a contractor, especially if you are switching providers. If the company doesn't have a standard policy, try to work something out for your specific service contract.

Will you include a clean air filter in my regularly scheduled maintenance? This is an especially useful question for buildings with multiple air units servicing the space – a clean filter can make or break the efficiency of your HVAC system. While clean filters are relatively cheap, some HVAC servicers who are looking to cut corners will leave dirty filters in your system after routine servicing. Don't let your HVAC system degrade the air quality of your home by forcing air through an allergen-laden filter!

What is your usual turnaround time on maintenance calls? No one likes to be caught without their HVAC services. While not every contracting team can offer same-day services, it's best to know what your wait time is likely to be in the case of a system shut down. You may also ask as a follow up question "do you have portable units available to customers when immediate fixes to their systems aren't available?". While portable heating and air conditioning units can drive up your electricity bill, having a comfortable living environment should be an option in the case of shortfalls in your installed HVAC system.

If you're looking for a new HVAC technician or team, consider us at Cee Dee AC. We're glad to answer any question you have for us! Got a question for us now? Give us a shout on our contact page we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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